Rules wrt Attendance and Fees

  1. Students are expected to maintain 100% attendance.
  2. There will be a minimum number of classes for a given skill in the month. Please view the appropriate page for the same.
  3. If a month has more than pre-decided minimum classes, it is not binding on the teacher to take the extra classes above those in the month. 
  4. If the teacher is not able to provide the minimum classes in a given month , compensation will be given either by extra classes or in fees taken pro-rated, as decided by the Centre Head.
  5. Fees should be paid  within the 5th of the Month
  6. Ad Hoc absenteeism from students will not be entertained for fee reductions or compensations.
  7. The Centre will email the list of holidays in a particular month if any. These will include National Holidays , Important Festivals and Academy Programs.
  8. A  nominal contribution will be requested for Academy programs and is mandatory of each parent irrespective of participation.